Blog Post Ideas

51 Blog Post Ideas To Generate A Smoking Hot Segment of The Content.

blog post ideas

There are millions of blogs running on the web and the number is increasing day by day. People are engaging in this field of building a home based business.

There are many bloggers who are striving to become a professional blogger whereas others are just trying to make some money.

But have your ever thought the blog post ideas you are going to use to generate the content for your posts? To create the best blog, you must keep the consistency.

You should write many blog posts for your readers. For which, you should have some great blog post ideas. In this article, you will learn about getting those ideas.

There are a few actions which can bring many new ideas to you.

Grow Up And Write An Effective Blog Post With These Blog Post Ideas.

Every now and then people bring the new ideas for their posts. Have you ever thought about your blog and the quality of your blog?

Let me show you the list.

1. Write The Second Part of Your Old Posts.

Sometimes, your old posts can give you a better idea to write another blog post. It may be related to that. You can even write a new part for one of your older posts.

2. Analyze The Comments.

When people comment on your blog then make sure you analyze them. They may give you a new idea for your next blog post.

3. Create A Top List.

You can write a blog post showing the top list of the things. You can use the TOP10 or 100. The choice is yours. There are many people who seek for such lists.

4. Write Down your thoughts.

There is not a single day when you don’t get any new idea. So don’t miss that chance and write it down because you never know that simple idea can be a wonderful blog post.

5. Write About yourself.

When you’re totally fed up and don’t have the blog post ideas then you can write something about your journey to the blogging. How did you achieve the goal and what you want to do?

6. An Influencer’s interview.

People like to know about the success stories. And if you provide the information about someone famous then it would be awesome for your blog.

7. Start A Contest.

There are many ways to bring new things to you and a blog contest is one of the best ways. It can drive traffic to your blog. You can even get a chance to meet many new bloggers.

8. Write A Post With Only Images.

There are different kinds of posts and you know that nowadays, people love the visual content. You can use the attractive images to craft a full blog post.

9. Write About the Current Trends of the Blogosphere.

In this blogosphere, many things are going on. You just need to find out the perfect spot to take your blog post ideas for your next post.

10. Write About The Changes You have Made.

Every blog is different and you can let people know about yours. The changes you have made in the past to improve the design of your blog can be really good. You can let them know about the website layout tips you followed.

11. Share your Future Goal.

In this blogosphere, everyone is dreaming about to become a successful blogger. And if you are the one in that list then it would be great to share your future goals and the planning to your readers.

12. Write A Motivational Post.

People need the motivation time to time. Sometimes, people forget what they wanted to do until they read an inspiring article.

13. Use Your own Imagination.

There is nothing more creative than your own imagination. A simple blog post can be so heartthrob that people go crazy to follow the guide.

14. Write The Short Story.

You don’t need to always write a blog post of 1000 words. You can go with the short stories of only 300words. It’s always good to make the change.

15. Start A discussion post.

You may have noticed that a few popular blogs publish a post to discuss any topic. It can be really helpful to get the opinions of your readers.

16. Start A Giveaway.

People like to get the free things and you can host a giveaway on your blog. It would help you to get more exposure than your normal blog posts.

17. Share Your Recent Blogging Experience.

You may want to share your recent experience about a blogging summit or anything. You can share your travel experience too.

18. Use The GIFs.

Nowadays, people are getting the new blog post ideas from the GIFs. Why don’t you craft a blog post full of GIFs? It would be really effective.

19. Share The Videos.

Just like the images, you can publish the post consisting only the videos. It may be your own or something useful for your readers.

20. Write the Review of Any Product.

People are jumping into the money making blogging. You can also do that by writing the review for any product you’re using.

21. Use The Infographics.

There are many websites which are letting you embed their infographics to your website. You can write a blog post just with the infographics.

22. Provide The Useful Guide.

This is one the best blog post ideas. People want the comprehensive guide about how to start a blog and more. You can provide it to your readers.

23. Write A Podcast Post.

You already know that people are using the podcasts to reach their readers. And it’s working great. Instead of writing your thoughts, you can share it through a podcast post.

24. Review A Website.

There are millions of websites but no one is there to criticize. You can use that opportunity and share your experience about those websites.

25. Share your Secret Funda.

People crave to know about the secret you’re using to chase your goal. You can share something which is helping you in many ways.

26. Do-follow Your Comments And Let People Know.

It can be something every blogger would want to find out. Blog commenting is one of the best ways to build relationships and you can provide them some benefit your readers.

27. Write About The Blogging News.

Yes, this is one of the most effective blog post ideas. You can collect the posts you have found helpful and share the list with your readers. Let them know about the blogosphere.

28. Share Your Experience of Meeting an Influencer.

This is not something happens every day. But still, if you have met someone you always wanted then you can share your experience with your readers.

29. Tell The Marketing Secrets.

There are different kinds of marketing and you can share the one you use. You can tell your readers know about the Facebook marketing or something else.

30. Tell About Your blogging Mistakes.

We all are human beings and do mistakes in the blogging journey. You can share the blogging mistakes and the WordPress mistakes you have made in your path.

31. Publish A Poll Post.

Do you know what is a poll post? It is a post when you start the polling for any particular topic and want to know the percentage of the people who are in favor and against to it.

32. Why Don’t you publish A Post With Simple Quote?

It can be really tricky but sometimes you may read a famous quote to bring the new blog post ideas. It can happen many times.

33. Write A Post To Thank Your readers.

Sometimes, a personal touch is important. You should publish a special post for your readers, commentators and the people who share your blog post.

34. Share the Best Comment You Have Ever Read?

It’s not only about the comment you get on your blog. It’s about the comment you have ever come across while reading other blogs.

35. Use The Comments To Show The Post.

Yes, this is something you should try. You can collect the comments related to one topic and let people know what others think about it.

36. Share Your Traffic Report.

This can help you to build the brand. People keep thinking about the success rate of every successful blogger. They keep thinking about the traffic. It’s good to show them what you got.

37. Write About The Blogging Failures.

There may be many bloggers who were in the position to rock this blogosphere but they drowned. Let people know about the failure stories.

38. Tell Your Readers About Any Myth.

There may be many blogging myths people are believing. Maybe about the concept of blogging and the SEO tips and tricks people use to get a high ranking.

39. Ask Your Readers For Help.

We all need help and it’s a great idea to ask your readers for the help. You can share your problem with them and they will bring many solutions. It’s actually an awesome idea.

40. Ask A Few Questions.

People seek for the new blog post ideas from many places. Why don’t you get it from your own blog? Ask a few questions about the niche you like and the path you want to follow.

41. Allow The Guest Posting.

Guest posting can be really helpful to introduce your readers to the new talent. Maybe you can get more exposure to the blog post of your guest blogger.

42. Tell About The Money Making Secrets.

You can share your ways to make the money from blogging. For beginners, this is one the best things. They want to know about better ways to make some cash.

43. Share Some Unknown Facts.

Sometimes, a post having the unknown facts about your niche or about the world can be helpful. You can bring new thoughts in the posts.

44. An Expert Roundup.

Nowadays, people are doing the expert roundups and they are getting more exposure than expected. Such types of blog post ideas can make your blog smoking hot.

45. Publish A Post Including the List of Popular Posts.

It’s a great idea to list up the most popular posts of your blog. It can help you to get more visitors to your blog. People like to read the posts you have crafted in your earlier days.

46. Share The Merits And Demerits of Something.

It’s like making people aware of anything by telling them about all the advantages and disadvantages of any product or anything else.

47. Share Your Personal Guide.

You can also publish a post about the guides you’re using. You can include all the products and the courses you have taken to become a successful blogger.

48. Write About Someone’s Work.

One of the blog post ideas is to write about someone and the work you have seen. It’s like helping others by featuring them on your blog.

49. Tell About The Reason You Started Blogging.

Don’t you like when people tell you about the reason of blogging? You can also share yours. The reason why did you start writing and who motivated you?

50. Guide Them About Something You Did.

Everyone has something special talent. You can share your work with your readers and provide them the guide about it. If you have accomplished your goal to get the follower’s number then it would be great to let your readers know.

51. Express Yourself.

A true blogger tries to let every thought out through the words. You should express yourselves and the experience you have. Helping others is always the best part.

Do You Have More Blog Post Ideas For Your Next Post?

It’s not over. You can bring the new blog post ideas every day. People have an amazing way to bring a new idea from some unexpected thing.

You can even learn from any animal, any person, or anything else. New ideas can be generated by analyzing anything.

There are millions of blog post ideas and it’s up to you from where you get your ideas. It can be anything. You can get a new idea while sitting alone.

You can even get a new idea from others, your family, your friends, or anyone else. Just put your mind on the same phase and bring something revolutionary.

If you have anything new then we all would want to know about it. Share your ideas and help others.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Great Post!

    Finding the right topic for a blog post is a challenging job. Many bloggers still struggle to get the topic for their next article.

    We have already witnessed several blog posts about choosing blog topics but I would that this one has more ideas than them.

    You have shown many ways that anyone can use for hunt a blog topic.


    Umesh Singh

    1. Hey Umesh,

      Blogging is all about generating the new ideas. For every single post, you should be prepared with an interesting topic. Though sometimes, people get confused with the blog post topics but still, the ideas should be embraced.

      The list shown above can provide something helpful to the bloggers.

      Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

      Have a great day.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    Anyone can create hundreds of blog post with the 51 ideas that you shared here. Every beginner should check this amazing list at least once. Success stories like publishing income report and traffic report articles are very popular today.

    I think #37 writing on blogging failures also can be a good idea.

    Anyway great artictle here I found some great ideas. I am going to bookmark this page.

    Thanks for sharing.


    1. Hey Riju,

      The mind of a human being is really innovative but sometimes, it needs some hint. To write a new blog post, the bloggers need a few ideas.

      Writing about the failure stories can be really tricky. You have to do it properly so that no one gets offended.

      Thanks for sharing your views.

      Enjoy your day.


  3. Hey Ravi,

    We know that content is the most important thing for search engines and crawlers. We should always try to write content so that reader enjoy while reading. And I know very well without perfect picture we cant make reader engaged so i always try to make article well furnished with suitable images.

    Our goal isn’t just to add eye candy, though that’s probably a good thing. Our goal is to add strategic images that help our readers, and enhance our content. Telling story is really considered as one of the key things that will make our content stand out of the crowd.

    Sometimes, blog posts can have an overwhelming amount of information for the reader and the writer. The mainly trick is to organize the info so readers are not intimidated by the length or amount of content. In a properly formatted and visually appealing blog post, we’ll notice that header and sub-headers are used to break up large blocks of text and those headers are styled consistently. Eventually, thanks for exploring much interesting facts regarding topic, they are really amazing.

    With best wishes,

    Amar kumar

    1. Hey Amar,

      The content of a website can be overwhelming due to the length for sure. Try to maintain the number of words according to the type of the post.

      Here, we are talking about the blog post ideas. How would you write you next blog post? Most of the time, people fed up because of the boring posts. It’s important to bring that spark.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  4. Oh my gosh, Ravi! This are awesome content ideas! You know I’m going to print this out and use it later, right? I like the idea of a photos post. I’ve been working on some quote images and have been wanting to publish them on my site, and maybe give away a few freebie ones.

    This list gave me several ideas to work with. Thank you!

    Have a great weekend!


    1. Hey Bren,

      Nowadays, people are using the images to present their content. It’s always good to use the visual content. The quotes can be very useful for many people.

      It’s a great idea.

      Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.


  5. Most important should be something about helping people in need. We should always post something which can help a reader.

    1. Hey Bishwajeet,

      You are absolutely right. But to write for your readers, you should need any idea. Don’t you? There should be a topic which can guide your readers.

      Appreciate you for stopping by.

      Have a great day.


  6. Hey Ravi,

    When we run out of ideas of what topics to write about, we can surely come to this post as a reference!

    Although I only publis blog posts once a month, there are times where I’m very dry of ideas.

    But you know what?

    There plenty of resources to get ideas from. It can be from other blogs or inspiration from your daily life! In any case we just have to open our eyes and recognize what’s already there.

    Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi Sherman,

      There is always an insecurity complex when you’re out of the blog post ideas. It’s important to maintain that flow. Reading others blog can be really helpful.

      You can write a post on your own daily routine. It can be connected to the blogging as how you manage everything.

      Thanks a lot for your support.


  7. Hi Ravi, fantastic list! Thanks for compiling. I use many of these myself, but there’s a few to include on the list. I think this is an important article… blogging can be challenging, especially because almost all topics have been done. Tips like these will help bloggers have a fresher take on writing. By the way, There’s always something new to learn isn’t there! Keep on growing!

    1. Hey Saurabh,

      As I have mentioned in the article that there are millions of blog post ideas. You can write regenerate any post again. In this blogosphere, people write many posts in one day and you can’t copy them.

      You must have a blog post idea which can stand among them.

      Thanks for your shares.


  8. Hello bro,

    this is one top notch guide to come up with an appealing blog post. Yes, you made the best compilation ever – 51!

    Thanks for this post ideas as it will help me to take mi blog to a new level.

    Have a nice day, boss

    1. Hey Joseph,

      Getting new ideas for your blog posts, you can use many sources. I am sure, it would be helpful for you.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your day.


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